Maurice Crijns
Maurice Crijns is a graduate of the Technical University in Eindhoven. His last position was CEO from EMS, a subsidiary of Thyssen-Krupp Stahl AG. Nowadays, he is active as a consultant with over thirty years’ experience in international business. He decided to make his experience available to students. As a result, he was temporarily lecturing at the International Business School of Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Here, it became clear to him that education emphasizes logical thinking from A to B. Unfortunately, life is no spreadsheet. It turned out that most students were helpless when the learned methods did not apply as happens in real life. That inspired him to develop a training method to foster creative thinking.
The present methods for creative thinking are limited to logic thinking. They do not explore the resources of the subconscious mind, the cradle of groundbreaking ideas and innovative solutions. Therefore, a novel method had to be developed incorporating incredible resources of the subconscious.

Peter Biekens
Peter Biekens graduated from Radboud University Nijmegen. Over the past 13 years, he has worked in higher education, focusing on innovation in education and curriculum design aimed at solving complex (societal) issues. He was one of the founders of the Educational Design Expeditions (EDEX) for educational professionals and served as a process facilitator for educational teams during these expeditions. Peter is a co-founder of the Fontys Pulsed Academy and has held positions as project leader, head of innovation and quality of education, and team leader of the academy.
Peter started his career in higher education as a lecturer at the Fontys International Business School. He quickly noticed a gap between what the rapidly changing world requires from young professionals and how education prepares students for this. The demand for creative problem-solving professionals is growing and becoming more critical, yet education does not sufficiently educate them for this. Reality often differs from what is described in textbooks, methods, and models. Thinking for oneself instead of mindlessly applying a model should be central in education, and this is something Peter wanted to focus on. Therefore, he developed Brainnovation, a neural-based training that teaches you to harness your brainpower rooted in your subconscious.
In 2016 the Brainnovation foundation was established by Maurice Crijns and Peter Biekens. The aim is to promote and facilitate Brainnovation courses and workshops i.e., at Fontys and EDEX Educational Design Expedition. The method is integrated into the educational programs of the Fontys Pulsed Academy to help students tackle complex and real-world challenges.

Please reach out to us to discuss and explore potential opportunities to learn, share, grow, collaborate about enhancing a creative thinking mindset.
We will be happy to assist you.